
10 Best Meditation Techniques for Beginners in (2022)

Do you feel stressed out and overwhelmed most of the time? If so, you’re not alone. In today’s world, it seems like everyone is always on the go and doesn’t have enough time to relax. This can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety. A great way to combat this is by practicing meditation. Meditation is a technique that helps you clear your mind and relax. In this blog post, we will discuss 10 meditation techniques for beginners that will help you get started!

1) Mindfulness meditation:

This type of meditation is all about being present in the moment. You focus on your breath and your thoughts without judgment. This can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, which can lead to a more calm and relaxed state.

Start by finding a comfortable seat. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Focus on your breath and count each inhale and exhale. When your mind wanders, simply bring your focus back to your breath.

2) Guided meditation:

The second best meditation techniques for beginners is Guided Mediation. This type of meditation involves following a guided audio recording. The guide will typically take you through a relaxation exercise and then guide you into a meditative state. This is a great option for beginners who need help clearing their mind.

To get started, find a comfortable position and press play on the audio recording. Follow along with the guide and let yourself relax.

3) Mantra meditation:

This type of meditation involves repeating a mantra or word over and over again. The purpose is to focus your mind on the mantra and block out other thoughts. This can be a great way to calm the mind and relax.

Choose a mantra that resonates with you. Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Repeat the mantra over and over again. If your mind wanders, simply bring your focus back to the mantra.

04) Visualization Meditation:

This type of meditation involves picturing a peaceful scene in your mind. The goal is to relax your body and mind by focusing on positive visualizations.

To get started, find a comfortable seat and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and begin to picture a peaceful scene. It can be anything from a beach to the mountains. Focus on the details of the scene and let yourself relax.

05) Transcendental Meditation:

This type of meditation is base on the belief that the mind can be trained to reach a higher state of consciousness. During this type of meditation, you focus on a mantra or word to help you achieve this state.

To get started, find a comfortable seat and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and begin repeating your mantra. If your mind wanders, simply bring your focus back to the mantra.

06) Yoga meditation:

Another best meditation techniques for beginners is Yoga Meditation. This type of meditation is based on the practice of yoga. During yoga meditation, you focus on your breath and use poses to help you relax. This can be a great way to connect your body and mind.

To get started, find a comfortable seat and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and begin to move through your yoga poses. Focus on your breath and let yourself relax into the pose.

07) Chakra meditation:

This type of meditation focuses on the seven energy centers in the body known as chakras. During this type of meditation, you will focus on each chakra and work to clear any blockages.

To get started, find a comfortable seat and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and begin to focus on each chakra. Visualize the chakra spinning in a healthy way and clear any blockages you may find.

08) Walking meditation:

This type of meditation is perfect for those who want to get some exercise while meditating. During walking meditation, you focus on your breath and the sensations in your body as you walk.

To get started, find a comfortable spot to walk and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and begin to focus on your breath and the sensations in your body. Walk slowly and focus on each step.

09) Mindfulness meditation:

Another best meditation techniques for beginners is Mindfulness meditation. This type of meditation is all about being in the present moment. During mindfulness meditation, you focus on your breath and the sensations in your body. You allow yourself to experience everything that is happening in the present moment without judgment.

To get started, find a comfortable seat and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and begin to focus on your breath and the sensations in your body. Allow yourself to experience everything that is happening in the present moment without judgment.

10) Guided meditation:

This type of meditation involves using a guided recording to help you relax. During guided meditation, you will be led through a relaxation exercise and then guide through a visualization.

To get started, find a comfortable seat and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and begin to relax your body. Once you are relaxing, start the guided meditation recording. Follow along with the relaxation exercise and visualization. Let yourself be guide to a state of relaxation.


These are just some of the many meditation techniques that you can try. Experiment with different types to see what works best for you. The important thing is to be patient and consistent with your practice. Meditation takes time and regular practice to see results. Remember to be kind to yourself and enjoy the journey!

If you want to learn more information about Meditation techniques, You can read this article: Meditation 101: Techniques, Benefits, and a Beginner’s 

​​​​FAQS – Frequently Asked Questions

What is meditation?

Meditation is a practice that focuses on your breath and helps you to stay in the present moment. It can be use as a way to calm the mind and relax the body.

Who can meditate?

Anyone can meditate! The best thing about it is that there are no rules or restrictions.

How do I meditate?

There are many different ways to meditate, so it’s important to find a method that works best for you. A common way to meditate is to sit with your spine straight, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. You may also want to try focusing on a mantra or a certain word or phrase that you repeat to yourself.

What are the benefits of meditation?

There are many benefits to meditation, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep, and increasing focus and concentration. Meditation can also help to improve your overall well-being.

Do I need anything special to meditate?

No, you don’t need anything special to meditate. All you need is a comfortable place to sit or lie down, and enough time to focus on your breath.

What if I can’t seem to quiet my mind?

It’s normal for your mind to wander during meditation. If this happens, simply redirect your focus back to your breath. Don’t worry if it takes a few tries – the important thing is to keep practicing!

Can I meditate anywhere?

Yes, you can meditate anywhere! In fact, many people find that meditating in nature is especially beneficial. However, you can meditate wherever you feel comfortable.

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